Absolute Beginner Class
Ommi Pipit-Suksun is a retired ballet dancer, who is a former soloist with the San Francisco Ballet, and a former principal dancer with Ballet San Jose. (A local girl!) In 2021, she established a YouTube channel called "Dancing with Ommi" where she posted a very nice absolute-beginner ballet barre class series. Ommi says her reason for creating the videos was to show adult beginners that anyone can do ballet, and can start at any age. I love that!
If you've never tried ballet before, check out her classes below and give them a try! Ommi does a great job of explaining the technique of each movement. Even if you don't do the classes, they're worth watching to see her guidance on basic technique.
Absolute Beginner Class No. 1: This class focuses on very basic movements done with the legs in parallel and first positions. It covers plies and rises, foot progression, battement tendu, glisse/degage, and saute preparation. Ommi gives detailed explanations of the techniques for each of these movements.